How to Create and Format your Resume

How to Create and Format your Resume

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Scotty Parlor

Nov. 27, 2020

Read Time 2 min

Resumes can be daunting. Often times, we just throw information on a page and hope that it is clear enough to hiring managers/recruiters without putting much thought into what they actually want to see.

When I studied business administration at the University of South Florida, resume building was a key component to upper level course work. It is important to include enough information, without adding too much. You want to show interests, but not in an unprofessional way.

Keep your resume brief but informative. Too many pages/irrelevant information will make many hiring managers/recruiters pass you resume up immediately.

I have used the same (grade) resume format for every company I have applied to and I am pleased with the results I have seen in my own career progression with it.

So allow me to share what I do!

The format will be:

  1. Personal Info & Contact information
  2. Objective - What are you looking for and briefly explain why (see below).
  3. Qualifications - Why are you qualified for the objective you stated above? Why are you qualified for the role you are applying for?
  4. Education - Any Degrees you have. If no degrees, did you do a bootcamp? Any formal training needs to go here.
  5. Certifications - If you have any certifications, list them here and a brief description.
  6. Work History - Only list relevant history. Too much information here will make your resume very large and actually turn hiring managers away from you.
  7. References - I always list 5 references at the bottom. Typically previous managers, VP's I have made relationships with, and close friends who know my skills and character.

And that's it. Notice, I do NOT list hobbies, or extra curricular's. Listing something like that is up to you, but I personally feel like it doesn't help on a resume. Those items are really for validating a cultural fit, which is completely useless on a resume. No one wants to read more than they have to in a busy schedule.

Feel free to download this Resume and BONUS Cover-letter template to get started

Resume Template

Cover Letter Template

Good luck, and as always remember to subscribe to our channel and engage if you have any questions that we can help with.